This time last year I had returned home from Bali! I wanted to share one of my most treasured experiences; seeing this Balinese healer Cokorda Rai . He is one of the oldest healers in Bali. So you want to know what is a healer? This is someone who can read your body and open you chakras and tell you what you many be experiencing such as ailments. Balinese people believe that healers are chosen to heal and they were given the gift of healing though spirits.
Cokorda Rai opened up my chakras and used pressure points in my toes to tell me that I suffer form back pain. The first time he pressed on the pressure points it hurt like hell and I wanted to kick him. After he prayed over me he pushed on those point for the 2nd time there was no more pain. I was shocked because no one on this trip knew the information about my back. He said a prayer over my back and told me that I would not have to worry about the pain anymore. For the most part I would say 98% of the time I do not experience back pain since that session. Before it was an on going issue. Now am I saying that he healed me? IDK, but what I do know is that it has drastically decreased.
I advise if you are going to see Cokorda Rai to arrive early as the day goes along more and more people show and and your chances of being seen that day drastically decrease.
Have you been to a healer of some kind before? If so I would love to hear about your experience.